Speakers List - 2025

December - Christmas Luncheon, therefore no speaker 


October -  


break for summer




March 2025 - Greater Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce 

February 2025 - AGM,  Due to it being the AGM, no speaker has been arranged

January - 2025  Dawn M Gibbons – author of children’s books focusing on adventures with her blind dog and their travels.




Speakers of 2023

January 2023 – Guest speaker this month will be Paul Sadler, CEO at Harmac Pacific, NFPL. Paul will speak about Harmac Pacific, which operates the Northern Bleached Softwood Kraft (NBSK) pulp mill located near Nanaimo.

February 2023 – AGM

March 2023 – Juliano Santos, Cybersecurity Analysts, based in Nanaimo, BC.

April 2023 – Larry Stevenson, Chief Executive Officer, Island Corridor Foundation & Andrea Thomas, Manager, Corridor Development, Island Corridor Foundation. They’re working to restore Passenger and Freight Rail service to Vancouver Island.

May 2023 -Patrick Terfloth, underwater photographer Nanoose Bay

June 2023 – Claire Palmer – Video Journalist with CBC

September 2023 – Kim Fowler is a professional planner and sustainability expert with over 30 years’ experience working with local governments in Canada.

October 2023 – Lynne Bowen – will share on the history of coal mining in and around Nanaimo and on Vancouver Island.

November 2023 – Bill Sims, the City of Nanaimo’s general manager of engineering and public works, about how a Level 5 drought would affect residents.

December 2023 – Christmas Luncheon


Speakers of 2022

January 2022 (via Zoom) – Our guest speaker was Christine Maxwell, a Harbour City Probus member. Christine’s topic: “HELI HIKING ….. The adventure that nearly wasn’t!”

February 2022 – AGM

March 2022 – Scott McVicar, Commanding Officer of the Canadian Forces Maritime Experimental & Test Range (CFMETR) in Nanoose Bay.

April 13, 2022 – Jane Evens, Sr. Development Officer, BC Cancer Foundation. Joining her is William Litchfield, Executive Director of the Victoria BC Cancer Foundation team

May 11, 2022 – Aimee Chalifoux, a Cree/Metis mother, and winner of the BC Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Award in the “Breaking Barriers” category.

June 8, 2022 – “A nostalgic trip to Denmark”, Laura Kristiansen

Sept. 14 2022 – Cherl Alexander.  She is a wonderful photographer, writer and has an amazing documentary on Takaya, the Lone Wolf.  Received the Canadian Screen Award and Best Science and Nature Documentary.

Oct. 12, 2022 – Ross Peterson. Ross discussed the wide range of topics covered in the many courses offered at Elder College, Vancouver Island University.

Nov. 9, 2022 – The Swain’s and The Thomson’s will share their pictures and stories of their adventure travelling 110 miles and through 94 locks, on the canals of England in a narrow boat.

Dec. 14, 2022 – No meeting will be held in lieu of our Christmas Luncheon.




Speakers of 2021

October 2021:Colin Bartlett of the Backyard Wildbird & Nature Store

November 2021: Sharon Speevak of the Nanaimo ElderDog Association – cancelled, due to COVID-19

Meetings are on the second Wednesday of the month, from September through June, at the Beban Park Activity Centre from 10 a.m. to noon. New Members Welcome!


New Members Welcome

Join other retired or semi-retired professionals, business people and others who would like to meet people with similar interests.

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