Check back for more activities to be added throughout the year. If you are interested in joining an activity please contact us
Applied Skills – Gardening
Books & Puzzles – Book Club, Book Exchange, Jigsaw Puzzle Exchange
Cards & Games – Canasta – Ladies Monday, Mixed Canasta - Thursday, Mexican Train – Saturday afternoons
Cultural Events & Outings – These can be organized by interested members, if they contact the Activity Managers (Diny & Nancy) and get approval of the board. Notices will be sent to all members to see who else may be interested in joining your activity.
Food & Drink – Drinks & Appies, Lover of Liver & Onions Plus (LOLO+), Men’s Coffee and Bull, Noon Lunch Bunch, Pub Suppers, Women & Wine Wednesdays.
Sports & Exercise – Bowling – 10 pin, Golf – Mixed (Thurs. am late spring thru to fall – weather permitting).
Day & Day-and-a-Bit Trips – Back by popular demand, plans are being formulating for upcoming day-trips to various locations around Vancouver Island (and possibly beyond).
Summary of Activities throughout the month:
- Monday Canasta - every Monday (12:45)
- Lover of Liver & Onions + - 3rd Tuesday of the month (5:00pm) (& if restaurant available)
- Men's Coffee & Bull - alternate Wednesdays (10:00)
- Mixed Canasta - alternate Thursdays (12:45)
- Mexican Train - alternate Saturdays (12:30)
- Bowling - 1st Friday of the month (10:00)
- Pub Night - 2nd Thursday of the month (5:00)
- Golf - every Thursday morning (seasonal & weather permitting - 10:20 at Pryde Vista Golf Course)
- Drinks & Appies - 3rd Saturday of the month.
- Wednesday, Wine & Women - 4th Wednesday of the month (5:00)
- Noon Lunch Bunch - 3rd Wednesday of the month (12:00)
- GENERAL MEETINGS - 2nd Wednesday of the month (10:00-12:00)